Everything to know about driving in the USA on an Immigrant visa

While major cities in the United States have good public transportation, most people prefer to drive their own cars. In fact, most American children consider getting their driver's licence to be a rite of passage. It also helps that the United States has excellent road infrastructure, so many Americans prefer driving from one state to another rather than flying. Not to mention that travelling by car is sometimes less expensive than flying.

Everything to know about driving in the USA on an Immigrant visa

Can you drive in the USA with a foreign license?

The answer is yes. You can drive in the United States for three months using a foreign driver's license. According to law, the three months are counted from the date you enter the United States. The foreign driver's license must be in English with the name, digits, and symbols printed in the English language. 

After three months, you must obtain an IDP (International driving license) or a driver’s license issued by a US state to continue driving. However, short term tourists have to get IDP issued from their home country.

How to Get a Driver's license in the USA on an Immigrant Visa?

The criteria for obtaining a driver's license as an immigrant in the United States differ from state to state. Some states, but not all, require a green card. There are also states that allow undocumented immigrants/Non-US Citizens to get driver’s license.
Ncsl.org provides the list of states offering Driver’s license. For documentation and related processes for applying for a Driver’s license in the US, visit U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Tests: The  United States driver's test is divided into two separate tests - The writing test and the driver’s test. You should check your state’s website to know more about the examination and when you can retake the exams if you fail. Aside from that, you should not have any obvious medical conditions that would prevent you from driving.

  1. Writing Test- 

The written tests include questions about traffic rules, safety measures, and other topics. You can discover online quizzes on Google search, which will help you study for the test.  We also recommend visiting your state's website for downloading material, including a copy of the state's handbook. If you fail to pass the test, the state will reject your license request. 

  1. Driving Test-

Driver's license renewal in the US

When renewing your driver's license, verify the documentation requirements on your state's website. Licenses usually expire after a few years, but it's best to check with yours because expiration dates differ by state. Visit usa.gov and enter your state. You will find all the relevant information to renew your Driver’s license here.

Drive Safe!